1) What GoodJobz Do?
GoodJobz provide the details of Good Jobs available in the world.
2) What sector/industry Jobs Good Jobz display on website?
GoodJobz is specialized in four sectors/industry which are also the most demanding in today’s time, which are as follows:
a) Abroad Jobs
b) Cruise Jobs
c) Airport Jobs
d) IT Jobs
3) Is GoodJobz charge any fee for providing the Job details to the candidates?
No. GoodJobz wont charge any fee or service charge for providing the Job details to the candidate.
4) Is GoodJobz conduct any interview of candidates?
No. GoodJobz wont conduct any interview.
5) Is GoodJobz advertise/display genuine openings on the website?
Yes. GoodJobz advertise/display 100% genuine and good openings only.